Five Budgeting Tips To Improve Your Personal Finances This Year

Whether you find budgeting a boring chore, or sexy as hell, there are a few ways you can make the process more rewarding.

Five Budgeting Tips To Improve Your Personal Finances This Year

Doing an annual review will help you prepare your budget for the coming year. While most people budget on a monthly basis, it’s important to remember that not all months are the same. 

Review first

Budget as a team

Everyone who has the power to spend the money needs to be involved in the budget. So if you’re married, or part of a couple who share finances and expenses, you need to budget together or at least ‘in tandem’. 

Basing your budget around your values simply means you align what you spend your money on with what you actually value.

Create a value-based budget

Budget around your goals

Budgeting around your goals is related to budgeting around your values, as values often inspire goals. But goals are more specific. 

If family is a value, then a trip to visit family in New York for a week this July is a goal. If giving is a value, then a commitment to give $50 a month to a specific charity is a goal.

Not all goals need to be noble or even value-based. Some can be pure fun.

It really helps you see things clearly when it’s all laid out in a physical format. There are, however, plenty of online tools and apps that can really work for some people.

Use the tools that suit you