3 Steps to Take When You’re Drowning in Debt

You can’t get debt under control until you know exactly what you owe, and what you’re paying back (or not) each month.

Assess: How Much Debt Do You Have?

Any advisor or agency you approach is going to need all the facts, in order to give you sound advice.

You’ll need to know:

– How many debts you have, and who they’re with – What the outstanding amount is left to pay on each debt – How much the interest rate is on each debt – What monthly payment you’re making on each debt

Debt consolidation simply involves rolling your various debts into one monthly payment.

Consolidate: Can You Consolidate Your Debt and Save Money?

– Reduce the amount of interest you pay – Simplify your repayments – Lower the amount you actually repay each month

You’re aiming to do one of three things, and preferably all three.

It’s highly advisable you talk to a qualified credit counselor, financial coach or financial advisor if you’re considering consolidating your loans.

Take (Significant) Action

Today, housing is by far the biggest expense for US households, and many US households are occupying homes that are much bigger than they need, or in expensive areas that they don’t need to be in.

After housing, the next biggest expense (again by a significant amount) is transportation. For most Americans, this includes car payments, insurance, gas and maintenance.