Knowing how to prepare for a pandemic can help ease fear and improve your safety.
Much of what happened in the last year can guide you to what you may need to do if another pandemic occurs.
How to Prepare for a Pandemic: 9 Things You Need to Know
However, one thing is certain; with gentrification and the expansion of cities into the new wilderness, animals become displaced or come into contact with humans in a way they never have before. Exposure equals risk.
SuppliesMasks (regular ones and N-95’s), sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizing gel, cleaning supplies, and the soap should be at the top of your list of how to prepare for a pandemic.
If you plan on being at your job in the long term, then look into the equipment you need to make work from home successful. If you already invested in the equipment you need, then hang on to it.
This past year there were layoffs, furloughs, and pay cuts that people suffered. Having a financial cushion worth up to 6 months of expenses (or more) can go a long way towards easing your stress should you find yourself in this kind of situation.
One of the best ways to protect yourself during a pandemic (or before it) is to maintain your health. Get your doctor’s checkups, pay attention to your diet, get moving exercise as much as you can and cut back on those bad habits that hurt you.
How many times a day did you wash your hands before the pandemic? I’m sure that changed drastically once Covid took over. Whatever hygienic habits you’ve developed in the last year, keep them.
A pandemic, and the subsequent lockdown that comes with it, can be very isolating. Knowing how to keep yourself busy at home can go a long way towards keeping up your mental health.