Women in STEM: 5 Challenges To Overcome and Achieve Success

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Women in STEM refers to women in these fields.

Women in STEM: 5 Challenges To Overcome and Achieve Success

There are resources available for women in STEM to help them pursue their fields of interest and succeed. For instance, special scholarship programs exist to encourage young women to pursue STEM careers.

Support for Women in STEM

What Are Some of These Challenges?

Feeling intimidated and lack of confidence or imposter syndrome; lack of transparency with our colleagues and lower salary; fighting pre-conceived assumptions about our lifestyles and goals; lack of guidance and mentorship.

- Confidence and Intimidation - Lack Of Transparency - Fighting Societal Assumptions Over Gender Roles - Finding Mentorship -Lack of a Community or Support Network

Addressing the Challenges for Women in STEM

The Importance of Women in STEM

We all know that representation matters. The more women enter the fields, the more likely we are to have subsequent generations following in these footsteps.

The obvious answer is increasing STEM coverage and education while kids are still in school and exposing them to these wonderful fields.

How Can We Increase Women in STEM?

But there are also the less apparent hurdles mentioned above that unfortunately get in the way of women ultimately choosing a career in a STEM field.

Women in STEM are a unique group of female professionals. They must overcome many hurdles to get through school and training and move up the ranks at work. 

Bringing It All Together