Does Your Financial Advisor Speak Crypto? 🪙

A financial advisor specializing in cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens can help you make smarter money moves with these digital assets.

Do you own Bitcoin, Ethereum or NFTs?

Many financial advisors offer virtual services so you can meet online no matter where you (or they) live. Which means you can choose to hire a financial advisor who lives hundreds of miles away if you decide their knowledge about cryptocurrencies could help you achieve better investing outcomes.

Get the information you need and answers to your questions:

Smart Money Insights for Cryptocurrency Investors

1. Q&A with Financial Advisors Specializing in Cryptocurrencies 2. Get Answers to Your Cryptocurrency & NFT Questions 3. Browse Related Articles

Financial Advisors Specializing in Cryptocurrency –

We asked Houston-based financial advisor and cryptocurrency specialist Ryan to answer three questions we often hear from cryptocurrency investors.

Do your research and due diligence before jumping in: learn the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Start slowly (don’t invest more than you’re comfortable losing) and buy small amounts over time (the concept of dollar cost averaging).

Q: What do you suggest investors consider if they are brand new to investing in cryptocurrencies?

What is your view on cryptocurrencies? Do you think cryptocurrencies should be a part of my portfolio? If so, what percentage? If not, why do you think I shouldn’t invest in cryptocurrencies? Do you invest in cryptocurrencies yourself?

Q: What questions should crypto investors ask a financial advisor?

A vast majority of advisors, myself included, would probably not suggest to their clients that they invest–or speculate, depending on your perspective–in cryptocurrencies.

Q: Why should investors interested in cryptocurrencies consider working with an advisor who specializes in this area?