
Ask an Advisor: I have been hearing a lot about Backdoor Roths, how do I know if this is right for me?

Larry Sprung, CFP
Larry is a husband, father, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. He founded Mitlin Financial, Inc. in 2004 with a focus on prioritizing the families he serves. The Mitlin team consistently helps those families make healthy financial decisions and offers an exceptional experience that leverages personalized service with today’s top tools and technology. They strive to help you achieve your goals while finding JOY in the journey! Larry attended Binghamton University and earned a Bachelor of Arts - BA, Mathematics.

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Ask an Advisor: I have been hearing a lot about Backdoor Roths, how do I know if this is right for me?

Larry Sprung, CFP® – Mitlin Financial, Inc. – Image Credit: Wealthtender.

That’s a great question!

Personal finance decisions are just that—personal. The financial services industry is filled with jargon, acronyms, terms, and strategies that can often overwhelm consumers. Terms like IRAs, Roth IRAs, Roth Conversions, and, in this case, Backdoor Roths are just a few examples.

A Backdoor Roth IRA is a little-known and underutilized strategy that can be used to unlock a realm of tax advantages and potentially secure a brighter, less tax-burdened financial future.

It might be best to answer your question by telling you a story.

Our tale begins with Danielle, a diligent worker contributing consistently to a traditional IRA.  While she was investigating the ways she could save best for her retirement she stumbled upon a pathway for which she was unfamiliar.  Curiosity sparked, and Danielle embarked on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Backdoor Roth IRA.

As the story unfolded, a realization dawned upon Danielle about her interest in utilizing a Roth IRA instead—the income limits for contributing to a Roth IRA were a barrier to accessing its tax-free growth and withdrawals.

Distressed but undeterred, Danielle sought counsel from a wise financial advisor, who spoke of the enchanted Backdoor Roth IRA—a way that she could circumvent the income restrictions.

With newfound knowledge, Danielle discovered that the Backdoor Roth IRA involved a two-step process. First, funds from her traditional IRA would be transferred to a Roth IRA, and second, taxes would be paid on the converted amount.

The Backdoor Roth IRA became a pathway, allowing those like Danielle with higher incomes to sidestep the traditional entrance barriers. It is appealing to those who wish to embrace its tax-free allure and journey toward a more tax-efficient retirement.

Eager to embark on this financial adventure, Danielle executed the first step of the dance—the conversion of funds from her traditional IRA to the Roth. This act, while seemingly simple, required careful consideration, as taxes on the converted amount would be due in the year of the conversion.

But fear not, for our hero Danielle consulted with a CPA who was part of her financial advisors’ team and illuminated the path to minimize the tax burden. By executing the conversion strategically, spreading it over multiple years, and considering the individual tax situation, the conversion became an elegant routine rather than a daunting leap.

As the tax season approached, Danielle faced the looming question: How to navigate the labyrinth of taxes generated by the Backdoor Roth IRA? Fear not, Danielle reengaged the CPA who helped her initially and guided her through the process.

It turned out that the taxes due on the converted amount were not as fearsome as they seemed. By staying vigilant and mindful of the tax implications, Danielle managed to keep the tax beast at bay and continue reaping the rewards of tax-free growth within the Roth IRA.

With the Backdoor Roth IRA successfully implemented, Danielle reveled in the enchantment of tax-free growth. The Roth IRA, now a beacon of more tax-efficient retirement, allowed Danielle to watch the investments flourish without the shackles of future tax obligations.

When the time came for withdrawals, a triumphant smile adorned Danielle’s face. Having navigated the backdoor with grace and strategic planning, the withdrawals flowed tax-free—a treasure that would help her sustain a less tax-encumbered retirement.

Danielle, armed with the wisdom of the Backdoor Roth IRA and the expertise of her advisory team, enjoyed a fairy tale ending—a retirement filled with greater financial stability, tax-free growth, and the benefits that come from mastering the art of strategic financial planning.

The tale of the Backdoor Roth IRA serves as a beacon for those seeking to unravel the mysteries of retirement planning. It reminds us that within the vast financial landscape, there are hidden pathways and enchanted strategies that, when approached with knowledge and prudence, can lead to a happily ever after. And so, the financial journey continues, with the Backdoor Roth IRA standing as a testament to the magic that lies within the realm of smart and strategic investing and having the right team on your side.

The hypothetical investment results are for illustrative purposes only and should not be deemed a representation of past or future results. Actual investment results may be more or less than those shown. Investment advisory services offered through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. This article represents the opinion of Mitlin Financial Inc. It should not be construed as providing investment, legal, and/or tax advice. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. To determine what may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor.

This article was originally published on Wealthtender and is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. You should consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions. Wealthtender earns money from financial professionals, which creates a conflict of interest when these professionals are featured in articles over others. Read the Wealthtender editorial policy and terms of service to learn more. Wealthtender is not a client of these financial services providers.

About the Author

Larry Sprung, CFP®, is a husband, father, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. He founded Mitlin Financial, Inc. in 2004 with a focus on prioritizing the families he serves. The Mitlin team consistently helps those families make healthy financial decisions and offers an exceptional experience that leverages personalized service with today’s top tools and technology. They strive to help you achieve your goals while finding JOY in the journey! Larry attended Binghamton University and earned a Bachelor of Arts – BA, Mathematics.

To make Wealthtender free for readers, we earn money from advertisers, including financial professionals and firms that pay to be featured. This creates a conflict of interest when we favor their promotion over others. Read our editorial policy and terms of service to learn more. Wealthtender is not a client of these financial services providers.
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