Personal Trainer FI

Financial Coaching For Personal Trainers & Other Fitness Professionals

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Personal Trainer FI

Financial Coaching For Personal Trainers & Other Fitness Professionals

8 Ratings
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Areas of Focus

  • Budgeting
  • Coaching
  • Financial Life Planning
  • Money Psychology
  • Side Hustles

About Me

Hi, I'm Eric Leider. For the first half of my career, I worked as a personal trainer & strength coach. In the second half, I shifted careers in a big way into the world of financial planning & wealth management for high net worth individuals.

I quickly realized that there were life-changing resources & guidance that would have been highly impactful for my past self as a movement professional. In addition, the reality of the financial services industry is that such a deserving group of professionals were not seen as “ideal clients”. I set out to change that!

Finally, the most profound finding for me was that the biggest driver of client success typically had more to do with behavioral coaching, managing emotions, and engaging in “life planning” than anything else.

Because of those reasons, I launched Personal Trainer FI. We are a team of life planners & financial coaches dedicated to helping personal trainers and other movement, health, & fitness professionals deeply understand their values, align their actions, and achieve inspiring goals.

When I’m not perfecting life plans for clients, you can find me spending time with my wife and kids, searching for the best (and strongest) coffee in town, keeping my hoops dream alive, running outside, or trying to increase my dad strength in our garage gym.

Professional Designations

  • Behavioral Financial Advisor (BFA)
  • Registered Life Planner (RLP)


  • CFP Board
  • Kinder Institute of Life Planning

Primary Location


Meeting Options

  • Video Conference
  • In-Person
  • Online Courses

Compensation Methods

  • One-time Financial Plan
  • Package Offers
  • Per Session
  • Subscription

About our Firm

Why Personal Trainer FI?

Not all financial coaches & life planners are created equal.

✅ We Value Movement & Health: We value the work that you do and understand how core it is to your lifestyle. There’s no shame in putting your fitness, health, & well-being at the forefront of your life plan (and spending money to do so).

✅ Empathy & Education First: We understand that money is emotional and life is not easy. Our goal is always to first empathize, understand, & educate, acting as your guide throughout your life planning journey.

✅ RLP® Professional: Becoming a Registered Life Planner (RLP®) takes over 100 hours of training & mentorship through the Kinder Institute of Life Planning. An RLP® is considered a Life Planning expert and has mastered the human side of financial planning.


Occidental College, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Economics (Business/Management)

Hobbies and Interests

  • Basketball
  • Family
  • Running
  • Working Out

Who We Serve

  • Business Owners
  • College Graduates
  • College Students
  • Content Creators
  • Contractors
  • Corporate Executives
  • Couples
  • DIY Investors
  • Dual Income Family
  • Educators
  • Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)
  • Gen X
  • Gen Y / Millennials
  • Gen Z
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Newly Engaged / Newlywed
  • Nonprofit Employees
  • Physicians
  • Remote Workers
  • Technology Professionals
  • Travel Lovers
  • Young Families

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Professional, Relatable, Trustworthy

June 1, 2023

I enjoyed working with Eric for a few years while he was my financial advisor at United Capital. I was in the midst of working a full time job and pursuing a startup business during our time. He was always supportive and encouraging of my pursuit. He was relatable and helped put my mind at ease with his financial expertise.

I’m happy to see him putting together his background of fitness and finances to better the lives of other like minded individuals. He’s a great life planner and will keep you on track with your goals!

I would definitely recommend Eric!

Avatar for Owen Lysaught
Owen Lysaught

Your future self will thank you for talking with Eric today.

May 28, 2023

Eric and I have a shared history working for the same fitness brand for many years, and I had the pleasure of being interviewed on his Human Potential Podcast (which you should check out!). As a former fitness & performance coach and manager of training teams, along with his Life Planning education and experience, Eric is uniquely qualified to help fitness professionals plan their careers, meet their personal aspirations, and achieve healthy financial futures. If I ever leave the financial planner I’ve partnered with for 12 years, I would definitely work with Eric. If you don’t already have an Eric, you owe it to yourself to speak with him. 

Avatar for Nancy Accetta MHS
Nancy Accetta MHS

A purity unrivaled in this gentleman I know and Love.

May 26, 2023

It’s a rarity when you meet someone you seamlessly click with. From the first time I ran into Eric Leider we were instantaneous best friends.

I chalk it up to the Cosmos.

I don’t know what brings us in tune to each others rhythms and/or function. Our personas unfold naturally with no edge, no ego and an unfiltered rawness you try so hard to find these days out in the world.

Over the course of the last few years we haven’t been able to see each other as much to say the least. It’s weighed heavy on me not having him down the street where we could meet up for coffee and just shoot the shit with each other about anything that comes to mind. Those were the times.

We found our wives, moved to different cities, had kids. You know this story. Through a lot of the challenges we’ve managed to devote time aside to catch up with one another whether it be through pictures, quick chats or FaceTime, etc. Sprinkled in on just checking in on each others lives, Eric has not only guided me financially but he has also guided me through a lot of life’s idiosyncrasies. At the time , these things seem monumental. We never know what can happen day to day. I’m lucky to have him at a moments notice.

Eric’s what they call a Stalwart. Reliable – Hardworking – Loyal. Effortless could also be used to describe his devotion. Much of this has to do with Erics persona and his demeanor. His essence is pure and his candor is that of pianist – Hitting all the right notes – on time, in tone and precise. At the end of the day, aren’t we all looking for that on the other side of the coin no matter what the basis of our inquiries are, or the tutelage that we seek?

I think so.

Whether it be financial advice, legalities or better still – anything under the sun that requires unconditional care – You want my guy in your chicken coop.

Avatar for Eric Battin
Eric Battin

Highly reliable and empathetic individual with strong financial knowledge

May 18, 2023

I had the pleasure of working with Eric for several years when he was a financial advisor at United Capital. At the time, I was working for a startup and my life was a bit chaotic. Eric was very supportive of my venture despite the risk involved and was always there to help any time I had questions/concerns. He helped me navigate difficult financial situations with a calm demeanor and consistently provided me with great financial advice.

One thing I always admired about Eric was his empathy and ability to relate with me on my rollercoaster path of a career. He didn’t try to steer me away; instead, he encouraged me to pursue my goals.

Eric is a wonderful guy and I’m very fortunate to have worked with him. I was sad to see him leave United Capital but happy to see him on this new path. His skill set as a fitness and financial professional set him up perfectly to be a fantastic life planner and help people achieve their lifelong goals.

Anyone would be lucky to work with Eric. I highly recommend him!

Avatar for Max Ferre
Max Ferre

A person centered approach that is less intimidating.

May 14, 2023

I’ve worked with Eric for an extended period of time, as both a personal trainer and as my intro to financial advising. I hired him as a personal trainer over a decade ago, and he was more than just the guy who programmed my workouts. He made it a point to center my time around mindset, which made me much more consciously aware and proactive about my physical health. Years later, we connected and began to go over some beginning financial planning. I was pretty intimidated by my finances, but Eric carried the same energy and approach of being “person centered” and made the process less scary. It was reassuring because I’m not a numbers person. He made it made sense to someone who wasn’t ever taught or learned any financial literacy. As someone who has started my own business within the past few years and married within the last, I’d love to work with Eric again.

Avatar for Aileen Gurango
Aileen Gurango

Eric is a rare breed: great listener, great educator, great motivator. HIGHLY recommend!

May 11, 2023

I worked with Eric for over a year when he was a Senior Financial Advisor at Personal Capital, and I’m delighted to recommend him as not only a trusted financial wealth of knowledge, but an overall excellent coach and person. Over our many conversations, both via email and phone, I developed a wonderful working relationship with Eric. He was always an attentive listener, provided me with great advice, and offered perspectives on various topics that I hadn’t considered myself. We discussed the usual topics: investing, asset allocation, various retirement accounts, etc. However, we also discussed holistic life planning items such as: life insurance, work-life balance, estate planning (healthcare proxy, power of attorney, wills), and even topics as open-ended as where to live and raise a family (we’re both around the same age with young families). These topics are incredibly complex, but Eric had a way to synthesize them and distill them down to be understandable, manageable, and actionable, which I really appreciated (and needed).

As to be expected, Eric quickly advanced at Personal Capital and the firm matched me up with another advisor, a bit to my dismay. I emailed Personal Capital to let them know that I was very happy with Eric and I wished him the best. Much to my delight, Personal Capital reached out to Eric and he agreed to continue to have me as a client even though he was starting a new position with increased responsibility and a whole host of new clients – truly a gem!

I was bummed to find out Eric was leaving Personal Capital because I received so much value from him and really enjoyed connecting with him and getting to know him as a person. However, I was simultaneously excited and happy for him and his family to take the next steps in their journey.


Eric is a rare mix of person with all the qualities a great coach possesses. I highly recommend him!

Avatar for Daniel Flagg
Daniel Flagg

Trusted Resource

May 10, 2023

I connected with Eric when we were both young finance professionals in San Diego. Eric helped me get set up with my first personal investment account, and was always a trusted resource with any questions I had. Eric has referred me several mortgage clients over the years, including himself.

Avatar for Bill Morris
Bill Morris

Wealth of experience coupled with curiosity differentiate Eric from others in the field

May 10, 2023

I was fortunate to get to work with Eric during his time at Personal Capital where he managed multiple accounts for our family. I appreciated his experience in the space and how he willingly shared that knowledge. His willingness to ask penetrating questions, an innate curiosity and insightful perspectives differentiated him from others in the field. It’s always a pleasure to engage with someone who has a similar mindset. Eric’s holistic perspective – including finance, health, longevity will serve him well as a life planner. With an open mind and a sincere interest in his clients, along with a broader view of where they want to go in life, allow him to provide a unique and valuable service that will have a meaningful impact on his clients and himself.

Avatar for Jeff Fodi
Jeff Fodi