Looking for financial professionals ready to contribute expert insights to your next article?
Use the form below to quickly reach ~500 financial advisors across the US, including specialists in dozens of categories.
Source Request Form Instructions:
1. Submit the form below with your request details
2. Your request is sent to financial professionals in the Wealthtender community
3. Prepare your article with the expert insights you receive
"*" indicates required fields
Journalist FAQs
Have a question not answered below? Send a note to yourfriends@wealthtender.com. We’re always happy to help.
Why should I request quotes from financial professionals in the Wealthtender community?
Wealthtender is an independent find-an-advisor directory website visited by half a million people annually. Our independence lets us feature financial advisors with a greater diversity of backgrounds and experience than many other find-an-advisor sites.
For journalists, greater advisor diversity means increased diversity of thoughts and opinions which can help your articles stand out with readers.
We also enjoy promoting your published articles across our social media channels, and tagging advisors who you have quoted. These social media posts increase viewership of your articles and are often shared by quoted advisors with their audiences, resulting in even greater reach.
If I need quotes from specialists knowledgeable about a particular topic, what’s the best approach?
1. Use the source request form above to specify the particular topic where you need help and narrow respondent eligibility further, if necessary, by filling out the ‘Any Additional Requirements’ field (e.g., divorce specialists, student loan experts)
2. Visit the specialist advisor directory on Wealthtender to locate advisors with advanced credentials and/or a wide range of knowledge areas. As you identify advisors of interest, use the ‘Contact Me’ button on their profiles and submit the form. This will send an email to their inbox.
3. Send a note to yourfriends@wealthtender.com. We’re always happy to help.
Can I spread the word to other journalists I know who may be interested in requesting quotes through Wealthtender, too?
Absolutely! In fact, as a token of our appreciation, we’ll send both you and the journalist who you refer a $50 Amazon e-gift card after they publish their first article that includes quotes from financial advisors sourced through Wealthtender within 90 days of your referral.
To qualify for the e-gift card offer, simply cc: (or bcc:) yourfriends@wealthtender.com on the email you send to each journalist you refer or send us an email letting us know the name(s) of the journalist(s) who you are referring.
I’m writing an article to help our readers learn more about financial advisors (e.g., how to hire, should I hire, where can I find, what do advisors do, etc.). Can you help?
Yes, we would love to assist. Our founder, Brian Thorp, is always happy to speak with you. You can reach Brian on his cell (512) 856-5406 and by email at brian@wealthtender.com.
You can also direct your readers to resources on Wealthtender, including: