Buying Time For Living Life Retired Early @43
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There are many on the FIRE path sharing their journey, but not as many who’s achieved FI and still sharing so openly. Outside of sharing her journey, she’s also very open with advice and tips on Twitter.
Fire and Wide has become my favorite Retirement blog. Michelle shares practical advice and personal stories from her experiences in becoming Financially Independent at 43. It’s like chatting over a pint with a friend. But that friend is also razor sharp, funny and gives great advice. Why are you still here? Go read it now!
Michelle has a wealth of knowledge written in a clear and friendly way. Michelle has actually achieved FIRE so has some seriously interesting takes and methods to help get you there. A true expert on the topic! Also follow on Twitter!
Many bloggers stop writing after they reach their goal of FIRE. Thankfully, Michelle started writing after retiring early at 43. She shares valuable insights and advice on her early retired life, making me dream of the day when I can finally quit, haha!
I haven’t achieved FIRE yet, so it’s great to go to a blog where someone has been there, done that. She’s an inspiration. She shares everything from how she achieved FIRE to what she’s doing now that she’s there. I love following her journey, and hope to join her in freedom soon. She’s a reminder that seeking FIRE is the right path for me.
I ‘met’ Michelle and discovered her awesome blog via Twitter and I have to say she is one of my favorite people in the personal finance community. So friendly and genuine and it really comes through in her writing, which I enjoy reading! As someone who has already achieved FIRE, she is an inspiration and great resource for all your *burning* FIRE questions 😉 I’ve learned a lot from her blog and love how introspective she is. She broaches some important subjects anyone and everyone should be thinking about while pursuing FIRE and does so with a curious and open mind. Highly recommend checking out her blog!
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