Helping you through those WTF personal finance moments
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W.T.F.F. is an excellent resource for people who value their finances. Not only does it teach you practical strategies, but it makes learning fun by using games like BINGO to motivate you. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to this blog!
Really enjoy reading WTFF’s blog posts. They are well-researched, informative and always packed with SDot’s great personality. Thanks for putting so much effort into them!
Truth: I’m currently being strangled to death by the US economy. W.T.F.F has given me a lot of solid advice on how to maximize my saving without depriving myself of the things I enjoy most during these hard times in a clear and concise way that is often times relatable. It’s made me aware of my own expensive bad habits. Because of W.T.F.F. I’ve learned better spending habits—such as canceling unused subscriptions, shopping cheaper, asking for discounts and about available promotions. Some of my favorite articles have taught me how to better manage my debt and improve my credit score without leaving me feeling confused and stressed. I recommend W.T.F.F to anyone looking to build better spending habits and save money while driving down their debt.
Sometimes it’s easy to miss the things right in front of us ! This blog has been a major eye opener for me personally because I was doing things that I wasn’t even aware of that are detrimental for my finances. Awareness is key and this blog helps to highlight poor habits or thought process when it comes to making financial decisions. Actually being aware of what the problems are makes it that much easier to start finding solutions ! Thanks for this blog and continue the great work !
It’s nice to read something that is purely delivered to help others. Many times you have underlying incentives or ulterior motives but there’s nothing hidden about what is going on here. Very good advice that many need to view for themselves.
I really enjoy reading this blog every week. It speaks to so many areas of personal finance that relate to me. It’s like having of my aunties talk to me about finance. It’s cool that she has other stuff on there too that I can relate to.
Fantastic blog! From the clever name to the blog posts, everything SDot writes about is very thoughtful. Each post has important information for everyone and covers topics from voting to finance to Hamilton! There is truly something for everyone on W.T.F.F. Like someone else in the comments mentioned, my favorite post is https://www.wtffworkingtowardsfinancialfreedom.com/2020/07/how-im-paying-off-18000-of-student-loan.html . Most personal finance blogger have already “made it” or are afraid to share debt-related details. I love that SDot keeps it real because loans are a fact of life for many of us and it is inspirational to watch her pay off these loans so fast!
I’m a dummy when it comes to finances, but this blog is an awesome resource. Gives good ideas that are easy to understand
First of all, I love the name of the blog! It is so catchy and clever! There’s a lot of great content on the blog. My favourite one can be found in the link here: https://www.wtffworkingtowardsfinancialfreedom.com/2020/07/how-im-paying-off-18000-of-student-loan.html Definitely worth a read!
Been reading this blog for a while now. Its giving me a lot of helpful tips about saving and some lifestyle changes to think about. I feel like I learn something new about finances every time I read. It’s a great blog.
Wtff is a Great blog for learning about finances and easy to follow with super references for you to research for more information
This blog has been everything I have ever needed. From breaking down what exactly my credit score means to teaching me how to avoid over spending due to my recent raise (also known as a lifestyle creep 🙃). I can literally feel myself gaining control of my finances with each new blog post! I also LOVE that this Black woman is using her platform to address what is happening in today’s society from Black Lives Matter to COVID-19. She is speaking on topics that need to be addressed all while broadening your perspective on financial literacy. I cannot get enough! It is definitely worth a read every week!
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