
Your FirstEnergy Benefits & Career: Financial Planning for Employees and Executives

Brian Thorp
Brian Thorp is the founder and CEO of Wealthtender and Editor-in-Chief. Prior to founding Wealthtender, Brian spent nearly 22 years in multiple leadership roles at Invesco. With over 25 years in the financial services industry, Brian is applying his experience and passion at Wealthtender to help more people enjoy life with less money stress.

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Do you work at FirstEnergy Corp.? Get the resources you need and expert insights from financial professionals who specialize in helping FirstEnergy employees make the most of their compensation package and benefits.

Whether you’re a new FirstEnergy employee or you’ve moved up the ranks into a management or executive leadership role over a multi-year career, it’s important to make smart money moves with your income and employee benefits. For example:

✅ Do you know the right moves to make to get the greatest value from the FirstEnergy benefits available to you?

✅If you’re thinking about leaving FirstEnergy for another job or planning to retire from the company in a few years, are you taking the right steps today to ensure you will receive all of the compensation and benefits that you’ve earned?

Get the Most Value from Your FirstEnergy Benefits and Compensation Package

Throughout the year, FirstEnergy provides its employees and executives with updates about their benefits ranging from health insurance and health savings plans to retirement plans like a 401(k), deferred compensation plans, and stock options. While the company offers many useful resources and access to knowledgeable staff who can assist with questions, you’ll also find financial professionals not affiliated with FirstEnergy who specialize in helping FirstEnergy employees make the most of their income and benefits.

Whether you work in the FirstEnergy headquarters in Akron, Ohio, another office location around the country, or remotely from home, you may have questions about your compensation package and benefits better suited for a financial professional who can offer unbiased advice and guidance.

For example, sensitive topics like discussing the steps you should take before quitting your job at FirstEnergy to work elsewhere, protecting yourself in advance of a corporate layoff, or deciding when you should plan to retire are all conversations that may be more comfortable with a trusted financial advisor.

Should you hire a FirstEnergy specialist financial advisor or an advisor close to home?

You’ll likely find dozens of nearby financial advisors well-suited to help you reach your money goals with a personalized plan. But it may be more difficult to find a financial advisor who specializes in serving FirstEnergy employees.

Fortunately, many financial advisors offer virtual services so you can meet online no matter where you (or they) live.

This means you can choose to hire a specialist financial advisor who lives hundreds of miles away if you decide their knowledge and experience working with FirstEnergy Corp. employees is a better fit to help with your unique needs.

💡 In the Q&A below, you’ll gain insights from financial advisors who work with FirstEnergy employees to help them make smart decisions to get the most value from their compensation and benefits, reduce their money stress, and prepare for a comfortable retirement.

🙋‍♀️ Do you have questions not yet answered? Use the form below to submit questions anonymously and watch this article for updates with answers to your questions. You can also reach out to the financial advisors below to set up an introductory call or contact them with your questions by email.

💸 Smart Money Insights for FirstEnergy Employees & Executives

This page is organized into sections to help you quickly find the information you need and get answers to your questions:

  1. Q&A: Financial Planning Tips for FirstEnergy Employees & Executives
  2. Get Answers to Your Questions About Your FirstEnergy Benefits and Career
  3. Quick Facts & Resources for FirstEnergy Employees
  4. Browse Related Articles

Q&A: Financial Planning Tips for FirstEnergy Employees & Executives

Answers to Employee Questions with Michael Hartman, CFP®, RICP®

Michael Hartman is a financial advisor based in Shillington, Pennsylvania, who specializes in offering financial planning services to FirstEnergy employees. Michael helps his clients get the most value from their FirstEnergy benefits and compensation package so they can enjoy life and feel confident about their financial future.

Q: As a financial advisor with experience helping FirstEnergy employees save for their retirement, how do you help them make the most of their employee benefits?

Michael: FirstEnergy employees are in a unique position to take advantage of company benefits many others are not afforded. For starters, FirstEnergy is one of a handful of companies offering a defined benefit pension plan. This plan is often the cornerstone for retired FirstEnergy employees when it comes to retirement income. However, there are over 20 different options available for FirstEnergy employees, with many of those options involving the benefit continuation of a surviving spouse.

By getting to better understand the current financial picture of the FirstEnergy employee and the goals of the employee and his/her spouse, we can recommend a pension benefit that maximizes income, while protecting a surviving spouse in the event of a premature passing of the retired FirstEnergy employee.

Coordinating this pension benefit with Social Security benefits, other retirement savings (such as the 401(k) plan), and the age difference between spouses can help us formulate a recommendation that is best suited for the retiring FirstEnergy employee.

Q: When you first speak with a FirstEnergy employee, what questions do you like to ask to better understand their unique circumstances and determine how you can best help them achieve their goals?

Michael: To better understand FirstEnergy employee’s goals, we like to understand the goals presented to us, and the expenses that correspond with those goals. Oftentimes, we see some employees have a dream to pursue a beach property, recreational vehicle, or some other larger expense to enjoy in their golden years.

What many retirees may not be considering is that while they can afford the purchase with retirement savings, there are almost always tax implications that should be considered prior to making this decision. Rather than seeing the tax implication after the fact, when there is not much of anything the employee can do to fix the mistake, we like to make sure these goals are communicated ahead of time and properly planned for.

Q: Is there a particular benefit available to FirstEnergy employees you feel isn’t as well utilized or understood by employees as it should be?

Michael: One company benefit that we see that is often not utilized, or worse yet, not even known is available to FirstEnergy employees, is the benefit to have their basic legal documents completed at no out of pocket cost.

This option is available for FirstEnergy employees who take advantage of the company-offered supplemental life insurance policy. If you’re enrolled in this program, you are eligible to have your estate planning documents completed at no cost by an attorney. FirstEnergy maintains a list of qualified local attorneys for this purpose. Unfortunately, we notice many employees are either unaware of this benefit, or haven’t taken the time to take advantage of it.

Q: Beyond FirstEnergy employee benefits for retirement savings, are there other types of benefits offered by the company that you find valuable to discuss with your clients?

Michael: FirstEnergy offers high-deductible health insurance plans that allow you to enroll in a Health Savings Account (HSA). For qualifying FirstEnergy employees, FirstEnergy will contribute $500 to an individual plan, or $1000 to a family plan each year. Specifically, in the FirstEnergy lineup, Consumer & Enhanced High Deductible Plans aHSA are eligible, while the Base PPO plan is not.

As is the case with HSAs and is often a misconception, these accounts are not “use-it-or-lose-it” accounts. Rather, if the funds haven’t been utilized while the employee is working at FirstEnergy, he/she can utilize the account in retirement, which can provide an excellent tax-efficient way to pay for health expenses.

Get to Know Michael Hartman, Financial Advisor for FirstEnergy Employees:

View Michael’s profile page on Wealthtender or visit his website to learn more.

Q: For FirstEnergy employees approaching retirement age, how do you recommend they prepare to make the transition from living off their salary to relying upon other sources of income?

Michael: For FirstEnergy employees, specifically ones who have been at FirstEnergy for 30+ years, transitioning to retirement can be both a financial and psychological event. While many employees have grown accustomed to the benefits that a stable salary can provide, they would also like to enjoy the next phase and achieve other goals they may have.

The retiring employees we’ve seen who have had the most success have made sure to plan in advance, usually about 1-2 years prior to retiring. Specifically, we work with the FirstEnergy employees in coordinating if they would like to fully retire and live off their savings and guaranteed income streams, or if they’d like to transition to a part-time role (whether at FirstEnergy or otherwise).

By coordinating the 3 common benefits most retiring FirstEnergy employees have, the pension, 401(k), and Social Security, we can come up with an income plan that allows the retiree to enjoy peace of mind, achieve their retirement goals, and account for the unknown, such as taxes, inflation, healthcare costs, etc.

Q: For FirstEnergy employees who have managed their finances on their own to this point, what would you suggest they consider to help them decide if they should begin working with a financial advisor at this stage in their lives?

Michael: For FirstEnergy employees who have managed their own finances to this point, it can be a challenge to introduce someone who is essentially partnering with them to help coordinate their financial lives.

We’re not unaware this can be a hurdle, so we’ve made it our mission to try to alleviate this concern. The first is that we make sure that the FirstEnergy employees understand we have their best interest at heart, and we view achievable goals as something we’re equally vested in achieving.

But we’ve also made sure to take the time to understand the benefits available to each retiring employee in great detail. When working with a financial planner, you should have someone who has your best interest at heart, but also understands the benefits you have available to you as a FirstEnergy employee.

Q: What are some of the unique financial planning challenges you commonly see among your clients who are FirstEnergy employees and how do you help them overcome these obstacles?

Michael: For most FirstEnergy employees, especially ones who have spent the vast majority or all of their career with FirstEnergy (or one of its subsidiaries), the challenge isn’t necessarily that the employee will have sufficient retirement income. It can actually be the case that the retiree may be in the position of having 100% (or more) of their pre-tax salary. This is an enviable position to say the least!

But the problem the employee may encounter is the corresponding tax liability that could result. The simplicity of how earned income is taxed usually allows the employee to understand what his/her taxable liability will be each year. But when the employee transitions to retirement, pension income, 401(k) income, and Social Security income are all taxed differently than earned income, and when combining these income sources, it can further complicate matters.

Instead, FirstEnergy retirees should take a more active approach to tax planning, that will allow them to save on taxes in a given tax year, but also over their lifetimes. When the retiree becomes Required Minimum Distribution-Age eligible, it can potentially push him/her into a higher tax bracket. We’ve also seen employees have to plan to stay below IRMAA thresholds, which can increase the monthly premiums for their Medicare plans Parts B & D.

By planning ahead for these scenarios, the retiring employee can be in control of their tax planning, not the IRS.

Q: What questions do you recommend FirstEnergy employees ask financial advisors they’re considering hiring to help them decide if they’re a good fit?

Michael: There should be some basic questions a FirstEnergy employee should ask their financial planner/advisor. Some of those include:

  • Do you have a fiduciary responsibility to your clients?
  • What is your fee schedule, and how are fees deducted?
  • What credentials and experience do you have?
  • What does your process of onboarding new clients look like?
  • What does your client review/client service process entail?

In addition to that, it’s worth seeing if the advisor/planner has helped other employees who have been in a similar situation. Therefore, you can have confidence that your advisor/planner is familiar with the FirstEnergy company benefits, in addition to making sure you’re working with a planner who is looking out for your best interests.

Q: Is there a particularly memorable experience or a moment you recall with a client who worked at FirstEnergy when you realized they have unique opportunities and circumstances when it comes to their financial planning needs?

Michael: FirstEnergy recently offered an early retirement package that provided incentives for qualifying employees. We’ve noticed that FirstEnergy has done this (and companies similar to FirstEnergy), and we’ve taken the time to analyze the situation for the employees to make sure the package is one they should take or not take. This offer, as most of these offers usually do, had a time constraint that required some timely answers and analysis for the employees who were affected. By making sure your advisor has a background knowledge in your personal situation and the company benefits, it can make the process of analyzing the offer itself that much smoother and give you the assurance necessary to make the correct decision.

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About the Author
Brian Thorp, Founder and CEO of Wealthtender profile picture

Brian Thorp

Founder and CEO, Wealthtender

Brian and his wife live in Texas, enjoying the diversity of Houston and the vibrancy of Austin.

With over 25 years in the financial services industry, Brian is applying his experience and passion at Wealthtender to help more people enjoy life with less money stress.

Connect with Brian on LinkedIn

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