Are you ready to convert more prospects into clients with online reviews?

The SEC Marketing Rule opens the door to new opportunities. And new risks.

We prepared this step-by-step playbook to help you compliantly turn your online reviews into an evergreen source of digital referrals.

Learn more about Certified Advisor Reviews™

Certified Advisor Reviews - Wealthtender Testimonial Marketing
Success Story

Learn how United Financial Planning Group grows its business with a testimonial marketing strategy powered by Wealthtender.

How Wealthtender Compares

Lower Cost. More Benefits. Wealthtender is the Leader in SEC-Compliant Testimonial Marketing.

Solution Provider  width=  width=  width=
Company Website (Link) Wealthtender Indyfin by WiserAdvisor Amplify Reviews Testimonial IQ
T3/Advisor Software Survey User Rating (2024) 8.03 (Extraordinary) Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated
Lowest Monthly Cost (1 Advisor) $39/mo. $99/mo. $99/mo. $99/mo.
Multi-Advisor Discounts Yes (↗️ Learn More) Unknown Yes Yes (Per Office)
Consumer Website URL N/A N/A
Quarterly Consumer Traffic ** 154,000 141,000 N/A N/A
Domain Authority (SEO Strength) ** 62 22 N/A N/A
Advisor Directory Listing with Client Reviews Yes Yes N/A N/A
Gold Stars Appear in Google Search Results Yes No N/A N/A
Convert Google Reviews to SEC-Compliant Testimonials Yes No N/A N/A
Review Sync™ (Sync Firm Reviews to Advisor Profiles) Yes No N/A N/A
Embed/Display SEC-Compliant Testimonials Yes (↗️ Learn More) No Yes No
Enable Consumers to Submit Google Reviews No No Yes Yes
Dashboard to Manage Reviews Yes Yes Yes Yes
Get Quoted in the Media Yes (↗️ Learn More) No No No
Get Featured in Local Guides Yes (↗️ View Examples) No No No
Gain Recognition for Areas of Specialization Yes (↗️ View Examples) No No No
Online Advisor Community Yes (↗️ Learn More) No No No
View Table Disclosures

** Domain Authority as of Sept 2023 (Source: Moz) & Estimated Monthly Consumer Traffic as of August 2023 (Source: Similarweb)

*** Tools that enable consumers to submit Google Reviews introduce advisory firms to significant regulatory risk. In FINRA Regulatory Notice 17-18, FINRA offers guidance for Registered Representatives applicable to social networks (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Reviews), stating: “FINRA does not regard unsolicited third-party opinions or comments posted on a social network to be communications of the broker-dealer or the representative for purposes of Rule 2210, including the requirements related to testimonials in paragraph (d)(6).”

Based on this language, FINRA makes it clear that the act of solicitation triggers disclosure requirements not supported by the Google Reviews platform.

Should SEC Registered Investment Advisors not subject to FINRA oversight expect the SEC to take a more lenient stance?

We don’t believe so and don’t think it’s worth the risk. Wealthtender believes it’s highly likely the SEC will take issue in upcoming exams and sweeps with advisors proactively soliciting reviews on platforms known to be incompatible with the Marketing Rule.

With its principles-based rule intended to ensure consumers gain important information to make more informed decisions, we don’t expect the SEC to look favorably upon a rampant proliferation of advisor reviews on platforms incapable of addressing the Marketing Rule’s prohibitions and disclosure expectations.

We could update our platform tomorrow to enable consumers to submit their reviews to Google. That’s not the issue. We’re simply not in the business of ‘doing it anyway’ and asking for forgiveness later.

We designed our platform for 100% compliance with the SEC Marketing Rule. We’re not here to get cute or help advisors bend the rules. We’re here to empower advisors to abide by them and succeed with compliant testimonial marketing.

Certified Advisor Reviews - Wealthtender Wealthtender in the News

Wealthtender Launches First Financial Advisor Review Platform Designed to be Fully Compliant with New SEC Marketing Rule

Financial advisors embracing online reviews will lead the industry in attracting new clients throughout the historic transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to Millennials over the next decade.

– Brian Thorp, Wealthtender Founder and CEO