✅ The Reviews Are In.

Financial advisors have a powerful new tool to grow their business thanks to the SEC Marketing Rule and Certified Advisor Reviews™ from Wealthtender. We’re proud to showcase this selection of Certified Advisor Reviews earned by advisors.
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Do Financial Advisor Reviews Matter?

You may be wondering – Do online reviews really matter for financial advisors?

Outside of financial services, online reviews have played an integral role in helping people make more informed and educated hiring decisions for many years. 

For professionals such as doctors and lawyers who embraced testimonials as an integral part of their digital marketing strategy, online reviews have become an evergreen source of digital referrals.

Did You Know:  89% of consumers say they look at reviews of medical professionals and 81% look at lawyer reviews before making a hiring decision.

Now that the new SEC Marketing rule has opened the door for financial advisors to get started with testimonial marketing, advisors have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a head start on a powerful and proven way to grow their business.

The authenticity of online reviews builds trust with consumers.

Online reviews establish a human connection with prospective clients, demonstrating advisor trustworthiness and increasing their confidence in contacting and hiring an advisor. 

And online reviews provide social proof, influencing consumer decisions to choose one advisor over another. 

If advisors decide not to make online reviews part of their marketing strategy, a nearby advisor or another in their niche with several positive reviews is more likely to get the call.

These resources will help you learn why financial advisor reviews matter.

We encourage you to check out these useful resources we wrote to help advisors, their compliance colleagues, industry leaders, and the media learn why financial advisor reviews matter and how to succeed with testimonial marketing.

✅ Download our step-by-step playbook to help you get started with testimonials.

✅ Review the SEC Marketing Rule Education Series of educational articles

✅ Learn more about Certified Advisor Reviews and FAQs

Financial Advisors: You don’t have to build your business alone. Join Wealthtender today, and we’ll be your digital marketing partner to help you get more clients online. Learn more and get started at wealthtender.com/grow.

Journalists: We can help you write your next article about the impact online reviews will have on both advisors and consumers in the years ahead. Please contact Wealthtender founder brian@wealthtender.com for useful statistics about the impact of online reviews on other trust-based professions (e.g., doctors, lawyers) and insights based on our own experience helping first-mover advisors get started with testimonial marketing.

✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Fantastic Financial Planner

August 30, 2022

Just over a year ago, I had been considering looking for a financial advisor, and out of the blue, Michael was recommended to me. Fast forward to today and I couldn’t be happier with the guidance Michael provides. He’s trustworthy, knowledgeable, and always willing to help or answer any questions. Working with Michael has increased my confidence with managing my money and I feel proud and positive about the decisions we’re making together!

Avatar for Ryan
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Wonderful Experience So Far

September 12, 2022

I had been avoiding planning for my retirement and long term care for a very long time BUT my son recommended that I meet with

Michael Raimondi about my retirement and deferred compensation accounts. I had no idea what to expect and all I can say is I should have done this sooner. Michael is so easy to work with and easy to understand. He keeps me informed of my accounts as well as the future forecast. He is such a pleasure to work with, I don’t feel like he is ever talking over my head, he takes the time to explain and he listens to my concerns.

I feel like my investments are in good hands with Michael Raimondi.

  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Financial health & wealth in Good Hands!

February 16, 2023

David an I go back a way! I guess we crossed path at the perfect time. Struggling as a new divorcee/single mother, I did not have the patience for, or time to play with numbers. It was paycheck to paycheck anyway, not much left to play with! David showed me the way! Here we are 20+ years later! Always very passionate about what he does. He guides you, sets up a plan he feels will best fit your needs and helps stay on track with your goals; but he never pressures you in doing something you do not feel comfortable with. I have learned a lot from David. He set me up with a nice mixed portfolio. I don’t need to “babysit” my investments. I know I am in good hands; he always makes himself available. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, enthusiastic, caring advisor, and yes funny as well (Financial advisors are always so serious) , David is your guy!

Avatar for Christine Guenver
Christine Guenver
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of David Warshaw, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®
David Warshaw, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Really Listen to You and Your Concerns; Great People

February 23, 2023

I cannot say enough good things about Clear Rock Advisors. I was hesitant to move finances to a new (new to me) firm. I wanted conservative investments that would generate income in good and bad times Clear Rock has done wonders with my portfolio. They are earning more than my previous firm did while still being safe. They now manage my children’s accounts. I went to them to ask for management of my whole portfolio. Corey did an amazing job laying out the range of options before me. If you work with this group, you will not be sorry!

Avatar for M. Macaluso
M. Macaluso
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Corey Long, CFP®
Corey Long, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

5 Stars

February 26, 2023

Having a financial advisor I trust and know cares about me and in turn, my money is not something I thought was possible. I just followed what other people had done with these big companies. It all felt very transactional and impersonal. When I started working with Ian, that completely changed. He is an honest, caring advisor that goes above and beyond. Ian is someone I trust and we have a collaborative relationship even though he manages my portfolio. As a therapist, this is important to me. He is brilliant in the ways I am not while still educating me! Just a stellar advisor.

Avatar for Anonymous
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Ian Weiner, CFP®
Ian Weiner, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Simply the BEST!

March 2, 2023

I was referred to Michael Raimondi by dear friends I trust, and they did me the biggest solid. Michael is that rare gem of a sharp money guy and good-hearted human. I was nervous about being judged for my current state of finances when I began working with Michael, but he was so supportive and highlighted what I was already doing well and has gently yet quickly guided me to more financial stability, less financial strain, and debt reduction without severe constraints. Michael has made what felt super complicated and overwhelming for me initially simple and understandable. Now when I pay bills I feel a sense of excitement rather then dread, knowing I’m working towards achieving my financial goals that Michael has helped me prioritize. Whenever I reach out to Michael to ask for financial guidance, he is extremely responsive and I know he’s looking out for me. Working with Michael has been the best investment I’ve ever made and it’s paying dividends, literally!

Avatar for Kasey Steinberg
Kasey Steinberg
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
Michael Raimondi, MFA, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

Great Customer Service

March 5, 2023

Having Doug in my corner managing my investment needs has been tremendously helpful. Aside from his deep knowledge as a Certified Financial Planner, he possesses great communication skills as well. Additionally… whenever I have a question or need guidance with my investment strategy, Doug has always been extremely responsive and accessible.

Bottom line… Doug is the best!

Avatar for Dave H.
Dave H.
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
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Headshot of Doug Oosterhart, CFP®
Doug Oosterhart, CFP®
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™

A trusted and expert advisor

March 12, 2023

I’ve known Mike since we served together at Vandenburg AFB in 2018-2019. I was his Individual Mobilization Augmentee while he was the Mission Support Group Commander. I observed first hand his leadership and dedication to the mission. As a client of Next Mission Financial, I’ve seen Mike’s passion and commitment to helping people feel more confident with their finances. My wife and I trust him with our financial planning. His integrity and his commitment to service and excellence in above reproach. We are very happy and fortunate to be working with him.

Avatar for Eric Davis
Eric Davis
  • Relationship: Former Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Mike Hunsberger, ChFC®, CFP®, CCFC
Mike Hunsberger, ChFC®, CFP®, CCFC
✅ Wealthtender Certified Advisor Review™


March 14, 2023

My wife and I have been with the Archer team for almost 3 years. Throughout, they have been responsive, thorough, and professional. All of the staff are excellent communicators, in person or via email/texts! The entire experience has brought us a great sense of security – from the initial “get to know you” conversations, with Rich doing an excellent job of listening, to the mid-course corrections when life changes. Initially they brought great organization to our portfolio, and our retirement is organized and easy to track. Whenever it’s time for us to do some homework, they are great at helping us with our end of the tasks.

Avatar for Tim
  • Relationship: Current Client
  • Compensation: This reviewer received no compensation for this review.
  • Conflicts: There are no material conflicts of interest.
Read all reviews for:
Headshot of Richard J. Archer, CDAA, CFA, CFP®, MBA
Richard J. Archer, CDAA, CFA, CFP®, MBA

Introducing Certified Advisor Reviews™.

Certified Advisor Reviews™ help consumers make smarter hiring decisions when choosing a financial advisor. Wealthtender is the first financial advisor review platform designed to be fully compliant with the SEC Investment Adviser Marketing rule.

With Certified Advisor Reviews™, you can:

  • Confidently ask your clients (and acquaintances) for reviews
  • Promote your reviews to attract new clients
  • Strengthen your online reputation with clients and prospects 
  • Establish your trustworthiness with Google and Bing
  • Demonstrate your consumers’ interests first mindset
  • Unlock reviews trapped on sites like Google and Yelp
  • Import and certify reviews from Google & all other platforms
  • Keep your client list private (vs. Google which doesn’t allow anonymous reviews)
Thinking about asking for reviews on sites like Google or Yelp? Think again.

We’ll be the first to admit if we’re wrong. But we’re not wavering in our belief that forthcoming SEC guidance will clarify that review platforms like Google and Yelp simply aren’t compatible with the SEC Marketing rule, thus limiting acceptable use of these platforms to only include unsolicited reviews.

Here’s What We Know with Certainty:

Google and Yelp are well-known review platforms popular with consumers. And many advisors already have unsolicited reviews written about them visible on these sites. If these are favorable reviews and are truly unsolicited, that’s terrific as advisors gain SEO benefits and visibility among consumers visiting these sites.

But because reviews on Google and Yelp lack the required SEC disclosures to be considered advertisements (e.g. testimonials and endorsements you can promote to grow your business), advisors can’t direct prospects to check out their reviews on these platforms. 

Here’s What We Don’t (Yet) Know:

Unlike unsolicited reviews published on Google or Yelp, the SEC has not formally offered guidance to clarify if solicited reviews on Google and Yelp are deemed an advertisement, and therefore subject to the prohibitions and disclosure requirements described in the SEC Marketing rule. So the question we need the SEC to answer is: Does the act of a financial advisor simply asking for a review to be written on specific platforms like Google or Yelp entangle an advisor in its creation and trigger the prohibitions and disclosure requirements?

While industry opinions are mixed on the guidance the SEC will ultimately provide, we believe it’s highly likely the SEC will take issue with advisors proactively soliciting reviews on platforms known to be incompatible with the Marketing rule. With its principles-based rule intended to ensure consumers gain important information to make more informed decisions, we don’t expect the SEC to look favorably upon a rampant proliferation of advisor reviews on platforms incapable of addressing the Marketing rule’s prohibitions and disclosure expectations.

Further, we believe the SEC could point to FINRA Regulatory Notice 17-18 that addresses this topic covering testimonials of registered representatives. In the notice, FINRA states: “FINRA does not regard unsolicited third-party opinions or comments posted on a social network to be communications of the broker-dealer or the representative for purposes of Rule 2210, including the requirements related to testimonials in paragraph (d)(6).”  

Wealthtender has submitted written requests for clarification on this matter to the SEC (likely along with many other industry participants) and we monitor the SEC’s Marketing rule FAQ page daily. We’ll share updates as additional SEC guidance becomes known.

October 12, 2021 Update: The SEC Investment Adviser Regulation Office (within the Division of Investment Management) responded by email to Wealthtender confirming their team will consider updating the SEC Marketing rule FAQ page to address the analogous question answered by FINRA in Regulatory Notice 17-18 that could put this matter to rest.

Michael Kitces Offers His Perspective on Certified Advisor Reviews™

“… Wealthtender is launching a more centralized “Advisor Reviews” platform, where advisors can sign up for a page on Wealthtender that centralizes all of their Google, Yelp, and other third-party website reviews, and repackages them as “Certified Advisor Reviews” (reviewed by Wealthtender) for which the advisor can add a Reviews badge to their website (linking to their Wealthtender profile).

…Nonetheless, the reality is that because testimonials have long been recognized as such a powerful marketing tool – including in financial services, where for decades they were only banned because they were deemed too influential and at risk for abuse! – it seems inevitable that client testimonials will soon become a core part of advisor marketing. The only question is how, exactly, advisory firms will find it best to collect and share them for the (right) prospects to see?”

– Michael Kitces at Nerd’s Eye View
The Latest in Financial #AdvisorTech (June 2021)

How Wealthtender Compares: Financial Advisor Reviews

Wealthtender is the first financial advisor review platform designed to be fully compliant with the SEC Marketing rule.
Learn how Certified Advisor Reviews™ from Wealthtender compare with other platforms in the comparison table below.

These resources will help you learn why financial advisor reviews matter.

We encourage you to check out these useful resources we wrote to help advisors, their compliance colleagues, industry leaders, and the media learn why financial advisor reviews matter and how to succeed with testimonial marketing.

✅ Download our step-by-step playbook to help you get started with testimonials.

✅ Review the SEC Marketing Rule Education Series of educational articles

✅ Learn more about Certified Advisor Reviews and FAQs

Financial Advisors: You don’t have to build your business alone. Join Wealthtender today, and we’ll be your digital marketing partner to help you get more clients online. Learn more and get started at wealthtender.com/grow.

Journalists: We can help you write your next article about the impact online reviews will have on both advisors and consumers in the years ahead. Please contact Wealthtender founder brian@wealthtender.com for useful statistics about the impact of online reviews on other trust-based professions (e.g., doctors, lawyers) and insights based on our own experience helping first-mover advisors get started with testimonial marketing.

What Words Do Clients Use in Financial Advisor Reviews?

Reviewers Most Often Share How Advisors Make them Feel: The SEC’s prior prohibition of testimonials was primarily due to concerns of abuse and clients touting outsized investment performance. Flash forward 60 years, and it’s clear what people want to convey about their advisor is related to the experience and how they make them feel. 

Take a cursory glance at the sampling of reviews above or the word cloud below, and the words you’ll see include “patient, comfortable, thoughtful, confident, together, listens, get to know me, friendliness, available, honest, trustworthy, responsive”.

As consumers preparing to hire an advisor increasingly consider credentials like the CFP to be table stakes, reading reviews to learn how an advisor makes their clients feel will likely play a much greater influence in who they ultimately hire.